Yes, you heard me right! It's delicious, just like the big red apple that is their promotional centerpiece! I'm here, I'm back (god only knows how many times I've been) and I'm loving it. I'm here for business, but my absolute best friend in the world lives here, as well as a couple of "good buddies", so that makes me extremely happy! That being said, the icing on the cake is that if you like man candy, this is the place to be. What an assortment; I just landed a few hours ago and I've seen just about every ethnic background of them that there is. Tall men, short men, cute boys, handsome men, unattractive men, men with gold chains, white socks and sneakers even. God....you'd think that's all I have on my mind wouldn't you.
Well in some sense, men are on my mind, and have been for a couple of months. I ride the wave, in and out, dating and not, but always come back to wanting an attachment with one in this life and appreciating these men of the world in some way or another. My favorite authors, mostly men, my favorite artists, mostly men, my favorite lovers, well........come on people, don't get crazy!
My problem lies in what kind of man is a good, solid match for me. You heard me right, I didn't say "perfect" because I have figured one thing out in the 46 years I've been in this crazy world...there is no such thing as a perfect match for me or anyone else. Why do I say this, well, I've tried them all; All American "white" guy, fireman....he was great for a while, but he couldn't relate to my ethnic side so that didn't last, (plus he couldn't dance at all). Middle Eastern man from Azerbijian...that was a huge mistake...he faked it for a while and then once he "hooked" me...well, he became a Middle Eastern man. Let's see now, prior to him there was my "ex-boyfriend" who now lives in Spain that I spoke of in a prior post. He was from Sri Lanka, and had the most beautiful eyelashes....he also was so condescending to waitstaff that it drove me insane. I dated another man who in actuality is my male twin; he lived in Australia and for some reason we both thought that it could work! He was deep thinking, crazy fun, sarcastic like no other, brilliant and he had the most kissable lips. We still communicate after 15 years! Imagine that! The problem? Well, hello... he lived in Sydney...
I mentioned my best friend who lives in NY earlier and there is a reason for that. She has insight into my soul that I will never be able to have. This started when I met her and lived in Key West. Yes I was single, hadn't had a boyfriend in a year or so and low and behold, I meet a man around the same time I meet this woman of depth, insight, intelligence and anger! Ya, she seemed pretty pissed off about something, but I never new what and frankly it didn't matter. I loved the conversations we had, she was so well read, ...that was intriguing in itself. The problem is...this woman won't give me any slack! Never has and never will. That's a good thing I think. She makes me think about my choices and boy is she right.
Example: Boat Boy....Craig. He was so cute, tall, built like a swimmer, sweet as a kiss of chocolate and loved the water. He dove the Atocha for Emeralds...he loved history (one of my favorite subjects). The problem....well Ms. Daly would say, "he makes stupid choices, he's ridiculous at times and he has no common sense", and she was right. Why do I waste two years of my life with men that my friend can so easily see are incompatible with me? Jeez, I don't know, but I do know that Ms. Daly is my woman, she can see past my quick bits of lust, my infatuation with a part of a man and has no problem telling me I'm wasting my time. God I wish she lived in San Francisco....she'd save me a lot of leg work!!
I haven't seen my friend, my compadre, my "insight" into my soul in a number of months....but I'm here now! I'll have my Ms. Daly time and feel so much better for it. Will she find me a match, no I don't think so. In fact, she's never even "fixed" me up on a date! However, she'll listen to me, help me to clear my head and send me home with a new found excitement about the search!
I love you Meegan!!